Email Marketing Ideas to Steal

It’s no secret that having an effective email marketing plan can skyrocket your sales. It’s seriously a no-brainer, but it can feel like a huge undertaking if you’re starting from scratch (and maybe even if you’re not). Lucky for you, we’ve put together a list of some ideas to get you started without having to reinvent the wheel.

How to Have an Effective Email Marketing Plan

Have a killer incentive for signing up.

Data is everything these days, so you have to make it worth your customers’ while to give you their info. Whether it’s a discount code, a gift with purchase, or an info freebie, make sure you’re giving your customers something that they’ll find valuable. Building trust at this point in the game is huge.

Build a welcome series that introduces you to your customers.

Getting someone on your list is almost like inviting them to your home. You wouldn’t open the door and then disappear to let them wander your house alone. Similarly, once you get someone’s info, you want to stick with them and use this opportunity to share your brand mission and values, your why, and what they can expect to see from you in the future. It’s critical to have AT LEAST one welcome email, but a series of 2-3 is even better.

Do A/B testing.

Once you have the foundation set, you can spend a little more time experimenting. Test headline styles, images, and calls to action to figure out what resonates best with your audience. Keep a note of these and use them to make decisions in the future.

Create campaigns based on customer activity.

Creating a campaign just for your MVPs is more likely to convert than sending a generic email to your entire list. As your list grows, you can start segmenting it by purchase activity, location, and other factors so that emails are more personal and relevant.

email marketing ideas

Email Marketing Ideas to Steal

  • MVP campaign offering a discount to your most loyal customers

  • A series of newsletters that speak to a lifestyle element of your brand, rather than selling a specific product or service (think Motivational Monday, minus the cheese)

  • Post-purchase emails with complementary product recommendations

  • Testimonial request to past customers

  • Business anniversary campaign with a discount offer

Want someone to take the reins for you? Shoot us an email to and we can get started on your next email marketing campaign.


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