Naked goat

product photography

the problem:

Naked Goat needed product photography for their holiday campaign.

With the holidays right around the corner, Naked Goat approached us to create branded content for their holiday sales campaigns.

Naked Goat fully embodies the word “simplicity” so we wanted to keep that in mind when designing the shoot. Holiday decor tends to be full of bright reds and greens and that just isn’t the vibe the brand was going for.

We opted for muted tones of ribbon, earthy elements, and very simple touches of holiday decor to keep consistent with the brand’s existing imagery.

our solution:

Create product photography for Naked Goat’s holiday campaign that was captivating and on-brand while still adding a touch of festivity.

• result one

• result two

• result three

• result one • result two • result three

the results:


XEN Matcha | Launch Campaign